"Alexia Salvatierra is one of the most effective faith-rooted advocacy trainer and advocate I know. She has been an invaluable asset to CCDA as we have worked to empower our members to engage their faith in the public square on behalf of the poor. I highly value Alexia's integrity and competency."
-Rev. Noel Castellanos (CEO, Christian Community Development Association)
-Rev. Noel Castellanos (CEO, Christian Community Development Association)
"Rev. Salvatierra's unique perspective deeply rooted in Scripture, Faith, and International Struggles for Justice give her fresh and powerful insights into faith organizing in the 21st Century."
-Rev. Troy Jackson (Senior Pastor, University Christian Church and co-director, Ohio Prophetic Voices Campaign)
"God has used Alexia to help many Latino pastors find their place and their voice in the public sphere, particularly in relationship to immigration issues. Her commitment, service, patience and tenacity have been crucial in developing networks of pastors and leaders who are drawing on their faith commitments to serve others."
Rev. Dr. Juan Francisco Martínez, Ph.D (Center for the Study of Hispanic Church and Community, Fuller Seminary)
"Alexia Salvatierra is the finest organizer of faith communities I know. Her skills range across academia, an international perspective, a keen eye for the needs of the poor, an enviable record of organizing for significant change, and her roots in Latino culture and theology."
-Rev. John Fife (Former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church and co-founder of the Sanctuary Movement)
"Rev. Alexia Salvatierra inspires and equips religious leaders for a deeper level of engagement and effectiveness, drawing on her own history of highly effective leadership. She is one of very few mentor-consultants who is able to link a strong theological grounding to a strong strategic focus. She can help other faith leaders avoid the disastrous but not uncommon pitfall of appearing to leave their faith behind when they enter the public square. In addition, few consultants in this field are as personally engaging or as pastorally sensitive as Rev. Salvatierra. People who work with her come out feeling energized at many levels. She is a remarkable thinker and teacher: one whose gifts and insights are well attuned to helping us all meet our 21st century challenges."
Rev. Peter Laarman (Executive Director, Progressive Christians Uniting)